Issues with limit_req_zone.

Francis Daly francis at
Tue May 9 22:42:50 UTC 2017

On Sun, May 07, 2017 at 04:31:37AM -0400, Vishnu Priya Matha wrote:

Hi there,

> In limit_req_zone with rate set to 100/s and burst=50, we have below
> observation
> .
> Scenario1
> ==========
> no. of request made by jmeter = 170
> # of request expected to be failing = 20
> # of request actually failed = 23
> Question: why 3 more request are failing and is this much of failure
> expected

Why do you expect 20 to fail?

I expect 0 to fail.

Unless you use "nodelay", in which case the number of failures depends
on how quickly the requests are received.

Note: "100/s" does not mean "accept 100, then accept no more until 1
second has passed". It means something closer to "accept 1, then accept
no more until 0.01 seconds has passed".

Francis Daly        francis at

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