Proxy Request buffering not working as expected

Francis Daly francis at
Mon Nov 6 18:56:19 UTC 2017

On Mon, Nov 06, 2017 at 07:13:53PM +0330, Mohammad Puyandeh via nginx wrote:

Hi there,

> >>If you report that nginx starts to send the content to the back-end
> >>before nginx has received all of the content from the client, then
> >>proxy_request_buffering is not working as intended.

> Yes, that's what I am reporting,

I'm not seeing it in my testing (but I am not using your not-nginx part).

> >>When I try a quick test here, nginx receives the full content from the
> >>client before it tries to connect to the back-end.

> with the above python client you can easily produce the problem, it
> will print chunk sizes along with the number of requests, use a file
> larger than 3M to get better results

"chunk size" and "number of requests" are not related to

Only "the time at which nginx starts to send traffic to the back-end"
is related to proxy_request_buffering..

> to make it complete, here is an example to upload file using curl:
> curl --request POST --data-binary "@/file/path"
> http://localhost/upload/

If you add "--limit-rate 16000" to that curl command, do you see output
from your back-end server immediately, or only after enough time has
passed that your client has sent all of the content to nginx?

Francis Daly        francis at

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