MP4 module with pseudo streaming + proxy_cache

Lucas Rolff lucas at
Tue Sep 12 15:21:59 UTC 2017

 > is it too much to ask for nginx to implement this

It depends on what you want to get implemented.

You can just have a location block in nginx handing mp4 and then using 
the slice module as Roman already mentioned, this will cause the initial 
chunk (which contains the MOOV atom) to be loaded pretty quickly even 
for big files, and thus enable pseudo streaming rather quickly (if the 
mp4 is not encoded with the MOOV atom in the end which happens in so 
many cases).

The only problem you'll have can be invalidating the cache of a file if 
you use the slice module, since you basically have to calculate every 
cache entry that you want to remove from the cache (starts from 0 and 
increments the number of bytes that you've set in the slice size), the 
only thing making it hard is the very last slice since this will be 
equal or less than your slice size.

So you can do it already out of the box using the slice module.

Now, sure it would be nice for the mp4 module to support pseudo 
streaming for files that are not yet in the cache - this however 
requires nginx to be aware of where to seek in a file that is not yet on 
the filesystem - it can be done, but I don't think it's super pretty.

tbs wrote:
> is it too much to ask for nginx to implement this feature if others can do
> it via their own developers?
> i couldn't find developer that are familiar with this, i looked already.
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