Can the cacheloader process stay alive and keep rebuilding or updating the cache metadata?

rnmx18 nginx-forum at
Fri Sep 29 20:56:21 UTC 2017

It would help in a use-case when there are 2 NGINX processes, both working
with the same cache directory.

NGINX-A runs with a proxy-cache-path /disk1/cache with zone name "cacheA".

NGINX-B runs with the same proxy-cache-path /disk1/cache with zone name

When NGINX-B adds content to the cache (say for URL test/a.html), the file
gets added to cache as /disk/cache1/test/a.html (again, avoiding md5 for

I think it may be nice if a subsequent request for this URL to NGINX-A would
result in a hit, as the file is available in the disk. However, today it
does not result in a HIT, as the in-memory metadata is missing for NGINX-A
for this URL. So, it would fetch from origin and add it again to cache, and
update its in-memory metadata.

Otherwise, a restart of NGINX-A would build up the cache metadata for files
found in the cache directory.


Posted at Nginx Forum:,276624,276627#msg-276627

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