Files still on disc after inactive time

Andrzej Walas nginx-forum at
Mon Feb 26 08:32:39 UTC 2018


I don't use 3rd party modules. After update to 1.13.8 I have still many logs
like this:
[alert] 704#704: ignore long locked inactive cache entry
1ee9fd62b649e731d69f56b98e3e58a5, count:28

[error] 5466#5466: *168740 readv() failed (104: Connection reset by peer)
while reading upstream

Nothing else in error log. How can I add more debug logs?

I see that in cache and tmp still exist files older than 1 inactive day. 

Br Andrzej Walas

Posted at Nginx Forum:,278589,278758#msg-278758

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