upstream (tcp stream mode) doesn't detect connecton failure

Adam Cecile adam.cecile at
Wed Jan 10 19:02:59 UTC 2018

On 01/10/2018 07:58 PM, Maxim Dounin wrote:
> Hello!
> On Wed, Jan 10, 2018 at 07:18:36PM +0100, Adam Cecile wrote:
> [...]
>>> Ok, so you use multiple proxy layers to be able to combine
>>> backends which support/need PROXY protocol and ones which do not,
>>> right?  This looks like a valid reason, as "proxy_protocol" is
>>> either on or off in a particular server.
>> Yes exactly !
>> Aim of this setup is to do SNI routing to TCP endpoints (with failover)
>> or HTTPS virtual hosts.
>>> If you want nginx to switch to a different backend while
>>> maintaining two proxy layers, consider moving balancing to the
>>> second layer instead.  This way balancing will happen where
>>> connection errors can be seen, and so nginx will be able to switch
>>> to a different server on errors.
>> Could you be more specific and show me how to do this with my current
>> configuration ? I'm a bit lost...
> At the first level, differentiate between hosts based on
> $ssl_preread_server_name.  Proxy to either "local_https" or to a
> second-level server, say 8080.  On the second level server, proxy
> to an upstream group with servers you want to balance.  Example
> configuration (completely untested):
>      map $ssl_preread_server_name $name {
>          default                  local_https;
>          ""                       second;
>           second;
>      }
>      upstream local_https {
>          server;
>      }
>      upstream second {
>          server;
>      }
>      upstream u {
>          server;
>          server;
>      }
>      server {
>          listen 443;
>          ssl_preread on;
>          proxy_pass $name;
>          proxy_protocol on;
>      }
>      server {
>          listen proxy_protocol;
>          proxy_pass u;
>      }
> Logging and timeouts omitted for clarity.
Very nice !

I'll give a try tomorrow morning and let you know, thanks.

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