status/usage of FRiCKLE/ngx_cache_purge. still reliable? alternatives?

PGNet Dev at
Wed Jun 6 23:18:22 UTC 2018

On 6/6/18 4:09 PM, Robert Paprocki wrote:
> Nginx has no stable API/ABI. With every release you want to leverage you need to walk 
> through your entire test/canary/B-G/whatever cycle. That's a question 
> only you can answer, but asking about "what about X release" is 
> fruitless because of a complete lack of ABI support. In six month's it's 
> an obsolete question, whose only two answers are "be the developer and 
> watching the changelog" or "compile the module, test it, and pray to the 
> diety of your choice that it doesn't explode".

That's an excellent point.  Esp since I tend to keep production current 
with Nginx releases.

TBH, tho, I've said such a prayer-or-three re: Varnish!

> Stepping back, these articles compare Nginx vs. Varnish straight-up. 
> There is considerable difference to take into account in examining a 
> stack leverage both.
 > ...

Much agreed. Apparently my reference to 'TheGoogle' refs wasn't snarky 
or dismissive enough! ;-)

> If I were you I would strongly question this "prefer to have" if the 
> only question is manageable cache purging. :)

Been done.  Not convincingly enough, apparently.
You can lead a horse ...
It's a Nordstrom's(-of-long-ago) moment: "Customer's Right. Because they 
say so."

Thx agn!

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