custom log_format not inherited by server block

Pete Cooper pete at
Thu May 17 22:03:08 UTC 2018

I am compiling Nginx 1.14.0 from source on Ubuntu 18.04 LTS with a view to compiling ipscrub as a dynamic module. 

My compile completes without error, my nginx.conf validates, Nginx runs as expected, yet my server block throws an error about an unknown log format. 

If my `log_format` directive appears after the `access_log` directive in nginx.conf, it will not validate, stating: 

    nginx: [emerg] unknown log format "ipscrubbed" in /etc/nginx/nginx.conf:15 

If my `log_format` directive appears before the `access_log` directive in nginx.conf, it validates. 

If my `log_format` directive appears before the `access_log` directive in nginx.conf, the default server block will not validate, stating: 

    nginx: [emerg] unknown log format "ipscrubbed" in /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/default:2 

…implying that although my custom `log_format` is valid, the default server block is not inheriting it. Which has completely thrown me. Do I need to reposition the `access_log` directive to a later point in the server block? Or is there something else fundamental that I'm overlooking? 

I would very much appreciate an additional pair of eyes on this, if your interest, time and attention permits. 

Thank you in advance. 

My compile script: 

My nginx.conf: 

My server block:

Pete Cooper
pete at

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