Enabling "Transfer-Encoding : chunked"

anish10dec nginx-forum at forum.nginx.org
Mon Sep 24 13:53:26 UTC 2018

In order to support CMAF and Low latency for HLS streaming through Nginx, it
is required change in content header.

Instead of "Content-Length" in Header , expected value by player is
"Transfer-Encoding : chunked" so that for a 6 sec chunk of media segment
player will start streaming fetching data in 200 msec part wise and thus
streaming will have low latency . This is supported by HTTP 1.1 

Tried below parameter to enable same in Nginx Configuration  
chunked_transfer_encoding on;

But its not adding the same in header. 

Please suggest better way to do it. 

Posted at Nginx Forum: https://forum.nginx.org/read.php?2,281371,281371#msg-281371

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