Allow internal redirect to URI x, but deny external request for x?

j94305 nginx-forum at
Fri Aug 30 22:28:48 UTC 2019

I've been following this, and I would take a slightly different approach.

1. Serve all apps under /{app}/releases/{version}/{path} as you have them
organized in the deployment structure in the file system.

2. Forget about symbolic links and other makeshift versioning/defaulting in
the file system.

3. Use a keyval mapping to handle redirections (307) of
/{app}/current/{stuff} to /{app}/releases/{currentVersion}/{stuff}, where
the keyval mapping provides {app} => {currentVersion}. You can update an
manage this during deployment.

We usually include this in a CI/CD pipeline after deployment to dynamically
switch to the last version (using a curl request to the NGINX API). If you
can't use keyvals, use a static map and dynamically generate that "map"
directive's mapping. Restart NGINX to reflect changes. Keyvals let you do
this on the fly.

The major advantage of this approach is with updates. You are most likely
going to run into issues with browser or proxy caching if you provide
different versions of files/apps under the same path. By having a canonical
form that respects the version structure, you are avoiding this altogether.
Yet, you have the flexibility to run hotfixes (replace existing files in an
existing version without creating a new one), or experimental versions
(which won't update the "current" pointer).

I would try to keep the complexity low.


Posted at Nginx Forum:,285463,285480#msg-285480

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