Multiple Set-Cookie headers with auth_request

brianv0 nginx-forum at
Wed Jan 30 21:58:29 UTC 2019


I've run into an issue where a cookie I'm sending back to a browser is too
large (> 4kB), so it's being split into two cookies. This results in two
`Set-Cookie` headers. 

Unfortunately, it seems that `auth_request_set` doesn't work well with this,
because you only get the first header.

Is there a way around this? I saw the var `$upstream_cookie_[name]`, which
might work (though awkwardly - you'd need to set use that once for every
possible header part), and the other idea I had was maybe using an
`access_by_lua` script to try to fix this in some way, but I'm not sure how
I'd go about that either.

Posted at Nginx Forum:,282868,282868#msg-282868

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