Nginx 405 not allowed issue

skumar48 nginx-forum at
Wed Nov 13 16:24:29 UTC 2019


I want to allow to accept post request for static content by nginx server.

i have three solution so i can add patches. take a look below.

  1.) error_page 405 =200 $uri

This basically tells nginx to change the response code to 200 for 405

  2.)      location / {
            rewrite ^.*$ /ampsec-tv-widget.html last;
        # To allow POST on static pages
        error_page 405 = $uri;

first we send POST request to api.json (which is our static file), then we
proxy 405 error to the original url and our rewrite condition matches the
request and return api.json with 200 status code

  3.) create a proxy for static content, converting POST request to GET.

But i want to add any patch. is there is any other solution to make request
for static content by nginx server

Posted at Nginx Forum:,286195,286195#msg-286195

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