Nginx Valid Referer - Access Control - Help Wanted

AshleyinSpain nginx-forum at
Wed Feb 5 19:43:38 UTC 2020

I want to use nginx referer module to restrict access to a URL containing a
directory /radio/ 
Only allowing access to it from a link with http referer *.mysite.*
(anysubdomain.mysite.anytld) otherwise redirect to 403

Is the referer module already loaded in nginx if not how do I load it

I found various code examples to add to the conf file and coupled this
together and added it to the end of the conf file, but it doesn't work,
entering a URL directly into the browser serves it

server {
    location /radio/ {
        valid_referers none blocked server_names ~\.mysite\.;
    if ($invalid_referer) {
        return 403;

Should just the location bit of code be added inside an existing server

My set up is nginx in docker on Ubunto 18 on a Digital Ocean droplet

Any help would be appreciated, been working on this for days

Best regards

Posted at Nginx Forum:,286958,286958#msg-286958

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