Nginx - 56 day old reverse-proxy suddenly unable to connect upstream.

bdarbro nginx-forum at
Mon Feb 24 17:15:19 UTC 2020

Sure.  "valid=3s" This probably can be relaxed, yes.  The intent was to
prevent grouping too many connections on the same 8 or so IP's we get in a
single DNS query.

> ssl_session_cache shared:SSL:1m;
> ssl_session_timeout 86400;

This is a nice pointer, thank you.  From documentation "One
megabyte of the cache contains about 4000 sessions."  This should definitely
be higher.  Don't know if it will play into the outage I had, but good to
get this set properly going forward.

Posted at Nginx Forum:,287081,287097#msg-287097

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