Ingress whitelist configuration problem in kubernetes

oriano nginx-forum at
Wed Jul 15 15:16:46 UTC 2020

I am working with a nginx ingress controller, inside kubernetes as a Daemon
set. To enable whitelisting add the following parameter inside the
configmap: whitelist-source-range with the ips that I want to allow
separated by (,) commas. When doing this I tried to access from one of the
ips but the result was an error 403. Searching I found the recommendation to
change in the service the parameter externalTrafficPolicy to local, make
this change but it still doesn't work.
Enter one of the pod to verify the modules and there is a modules folder but
the module does not appear in it: ngx_http_access_module, so I was left with
the doubt if this may be the cause of the problem. The installation of the
income is done through helm v2.16.1 stable version like this:
helm install stable / nginx-ingress --name ingress --values
​​ingress-config.yml --namespace kube-system
Any recommendation?

Posted at Nginx Forum:,288726,288726#msg-288726

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