editing a general location match to exclude one, specific instance?

Francis Daly francis at daoine.org
Fri May 15 18:58:15 UTC 2020

On Thu, May 14, 2020 at 11:10:20AM -0700, PGNet Dev wrote:

Hi there,

> editing a general location match to exclude one, specific instance?

It is usually easier to use positive matches instead of negative ones.

> I've had a trivial 'protection' rule in place for a long time
> 	location ~* (gulpfile\.js|settings.php|readme|schema|htpasswd|password|config) {
> 		deny all;
> 	}

> 	 2020/05/12 22:16:39 [error] 57803#57803: *1 access forbidden by rule,
> 	 client:, server: testapp.example1.com, request: "GET /api/configuration HTTP/2.0",

> I'd like to edit the match to PASS that^ logged match -- as specifically/uniquely as possible -- but CONTINUE to 'deny all' for all other/remaining matches on "config".
> How would that best be done?  A preceding location match? Or editing the existing one?

A separate "location" that matches what you want and is "higher priority"
than the regex location that this request currently matches.

  location = /api/configuration {
    # do what you want, probably including proxy_pass

You could use "location ^~ /api/configuration", if you want to allow
anything with that prefix.

Good luck with it,

Francis Daly        francis at daoine.org

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