Question about rewrite in nginx.conf using a variable ?

Stephen D. Scotti, M.D. sscotti at
Sun Dec 12 05:27:07 UTC 2021

I have a configuration for a Docker NGINX container that works OK with my 'static' configuration, but I’d like to maybe use a variable in the proxy rewrite to avoid have to duplicate a location block for the server. A sample Static setup with some of the extra stuff removed is shown below.  That actually 'works' when I explicitly specify /pacs-1/ and /pacs-2/.  pacs-1 and pacs-2 happen to also be the name for other servers in my Docker Setup, so http://pacs-1:8042 <http://pacs-1:8042/> resolves to the docker container since it is called from Docker.  Those servers are not accessible outside of the container, which is one reason why I proxy some requests made to it from outside of the container.  I’m curious if it is possible to rewrite that such that I can match one of several container name from the request URI, e.g. something like location ~ ^/(pacs-butterfly|pacs-1|pacs-2)(/.*)   I tried various options, including setting a variable and nothing seems to work yet.

I could just create a separate block for each server, but it would be nice to generalize it so it would always work as long as the request uri corresponds to an existing container.  Thanks.

    location  /pacs-1/  {

        if ($request_method = 'OPTIONS') {
        	return 204;

        auth_request /auth;
        auth_request_set $auth_status $upstream_status;
        proxy_buffering off;
        rewrite /pacs-1/(.*) /$1 break;
        proxy_pass http://pacs-1:8042 <http://pacs-1:8042/>;
        proxy_redirect  http://pacs-1:8042/ <http://pacs-1:8042/> /;
        proxy_set_header HOST $host;


    location  /pacs-2/  {

        if ($request_method = 'OPTIONS') {
        	return 204;

        auth_request /auth;
        auth_request_set $auth_status $upstream_status;
        proxy_buffering off;
        rewrite /pacs-2/(.*) /$1 break;
        proxy_pass http://pacs-2:8042 <http://pacs-2:8042/>;
        proxy_redirect  http://pacs-2:8042/ <http://pacs-2:8042/> /;
        proxy_set_header HOST $host;


Stephen D. Scotti
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