
Dmitry Volyntsev xeioex at nginx.com
Tue Jun 29 16:08:23 UTC 2021


This is a bugfix release that fixes RegExp matching for a regular expression
containing UTF-8 characters.  The matching of ASCII or byte string by UTF-8
regexp was always negative.

What methods were affected:
- RegExp.prototype.exec() (since 0.4.2)
- RegExp.protytype.test() (since 0.5.3)

You can learn more about njs:

- Overview and introduction: http://nginx.org/en/docs/njs/
- NGINX JavaScript in Your Web Server Configuration:
- Extending NGINX with Custom Code: https://youtu.be/0CVhq4AUU7M
- Using node modules with njs:
- Writing njs code using TypeScript definition files:

Feel free to try it and give us feedback on:

- Github: https://github.com/nginx/njs/issues
- Mailing list: http://mailman.nginx.org/mailman/listinfo/nginx-devel

Changes with njs 0.6.1                                        29 Jun 2021

     *) Bugfix: fixed RegExpBuiltinExec() with UTF-8 only regexps.
        The bug was introduced in 0.4.2.

     *) Bugfix: fixed parsing of export default declaration with
        non-assignment expressions.
        Thanks to Artem S. Povalyukhin.

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