"ssl_stapling" without configured "resolver" caches responder IP indefinitely

Sergey A. Osokin osa at freebsd.org.ru
Sat Jan 29 03:02:38 UTC 2022


let me add 2 cents to the topic.

On Fri, Jan 28, 2022 at 09:29:54PM -0500, hablutzel1 wrote:
> Hi Maxim, I'm not really familiar with NGINX source code or with the C
> language for that matter, so could you please provide more detail on why
> does NGING require a non-blocking DNS resolver? Couldn't it rely on child
> processes or threads to not block?

There are many resources available in internet about non-blocking IO,
threads and so on, and here's the one of those about applications
that handle 10000s of requests per second,

I'd highly recommend to read it and understand.

Also, here's great article I'd recommend to read right after after
the previous one, http://www.catb.org/~esr/faqs/smart-questions.html

Hope it helps a lot.

Thank you.

Sergey A. Osokin

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