405 Not Allowed

felipesmendes nginx-forum at forum.nginx.org
Thu Mar 10 11:49:16 UTC 2022

Here is the log of debug level on Nginx

2022/03/10 11:47:41 [debug] 28458#28458: *757 accept:
2022/03/10 11:47:41 [debug] 28458#28458: *757 event timer add: 14:
2022/03/10 11:47:41 [debug] 28458#28458: *757 reusable connection: 1
2022/03/10 11:47:41 [debug] 28458#28458: *757 epoll add event: fd:14 op:1
2022/03/10 11:47:41 [debug] 28458#28458: *757 http check ssl handshake
2022/03/10 11:47:41 [debug] 28458#28458: *757 http recv(): 1
2022/03/10 11:47:41 [debug] 28458#28458: *757 https ssl handshake: 0x16
2022/03/10 11:47:41 [debug] 28458#28458: *757 tcp_nodelay
2022/03/10 11:47:41 [debug] 28458#28458: *757 SSL server name:
2022/03/10 11:47:41 [debug] 28458#28458: *757 SSL_do_handshake: -1
2022/03/10 11:47:41 [debug] 28458#28458: *757 SSL_get_error: 2
2022/03/10 11:47:41 [debug] 28458#28458: *757 reusable connection: 0
2022/03/10 11:47:41 [debug] 28458#28458: *757 SSL handshake handler: 0
2022/03/10 11:47:41 [debug] 28458#28458: *757 SSL_do_handshake: 1
2022/03/10 11:47:41 [debug] 28458#28458: *757 SSL: TLSv1.2, cipher:
2022/03/10 11:47:41 [debug] 28458#28458: *757 reusable connection: 1
2022/03/10 11:47:41 [debug] 28458#28458: *757 http wait request handler
2022/03/10 11:47:41 [debug] 28458#28458: *757 malloc: 000055D2082CDE80:1024
2022/03/10 11:47:41 [debug] 28458#28458: *757 SSL_read: -1
2022/03/10 11:47:41 [debug] 28458#28458: *757 SSL_get_error: 2
2022/03/10 11:47:41 [debug] 28458#28458: *757 free: 000055D2082CDE80
2022/03/10 11:47:41 [debug] 28458#28458: *757 http wait request handler
2022/03/10 11:47:41 [debug] 28458#28458: *757 malloc: 000055D2082CDE80:1024
2022/03/10 11:47:41 [debug] 28458#28458: *757 SSL_read: 153
2022/03/10 11:47:41 [debug] 28458#28458: *757 SSL_read: -1
2022/03/10 11:47:41 [debug] 28458#28458: *757 SSL_get_error: 2
2022/03/10 11:47:41 [debug] 28458#28458: *757 reusable connection: 0
2022/03/10 11:47:41 [debug] 28458#28458: *757 posix_memalign:
000055D2082EE030:4096 @16
2022/03/10 11:47:41 [debug] 28458#28458: *757 http process request line
2022/03/10 11:47:41 [debug] 28458#28458: *757 http request line: "OPTIONS
/public HTTP/1.1"
2022/03/10 11:47:41 [debug] 28458#28458: *757 http uri: "/public"
2022/03/10 11:47:41 [debug] 28458#28458: *757 http args: ""
2022/03/10 11:47:41 [debug] 28458#28458: *757 http exten: ""
2022/03/10 11:47:41 [debug] 28458#28458: *757 posix_memalign:
000055D2082900D0:4096 @16
2022/03/10 11:47:41 [debug] 28458#28458: *757 http process request header
2022/03/10 11:47:41 [debug] 28458#28458: *757 http header: "User-Agent:
WinSCP/5.19.6 neon/0.31.2"
2022/03/10 11:47:41 [debug] 28458#28458: *757 http header: "Keep-Alive: "
2022/03/10 11:47:41 [debug] 28458#28458: *757 http header: "Connection: TE,
2022/03/10 11:47:41 [debug] 28458#28458: *757 http header: "TE: trailers"
2022/03/10 11:47:41 [debug] 28458#28458: *757 http header: "Host:
2022/03/10 11:47:41 [debug] 28458#28458: *757 http header done
2022/03/10 11:47:41 [debug] 28458#28458: *757 event timer del: 14:
2022/03/10 11:47:41 [debug] 28458#28458: *757 generic phase: 0
2022/03/10 11:47:41 [debug] 28458#28458: *757 rewrite phase: 1
2022/03/10 11:47:41 [debug] 28458#28458: *757 test location: "/"
2022/03/10 11:47:41 [debug] 28458#28458: *757 test location: "robots.txt"
2022/03/10 11:47:41 [debug] 28458#28458: *757 test location: "favicon.ico"
2022/03/10 11:47:41 [debug] 28458#28458: *757 test location: ~ "\.php$"
2022/03/10 11:47:41 [debug] 28458#28458: *757 test location: ~
2022/03/10 11:47:41 [debug] 28458#28458: *757 using configuration "/"
2022/03/10 11:47:41 [debug] 28458#28458: *757 http cl:-1 max:1048576
2022/03/10 11:47:41 [debug] 28458#28458: *757 rewrite phase: 3
2022/03/10 11:47:41 [debug] 28458#28458: *757 post rewrite phase: 4
2022/03/10 11:47:41 [debug] 28458#28458: *757 generic phase: 5
2022/03/10 11:47:41 [debug] 28458#28458: *757 generic phase: 6
2022/03/10 11:47:41 [debug] 28458#28458: *757 generic phase: 7
2022/03/10 11:47:41 [debug] 28458#28458: *757 access phase: 8
2022/03/10 11:47:41 [debug] 28458#28458: *757 access phase: 9
2022/03/10 11:47:41 [debug] 28458#28458: *757 access phase: 10
2022/03/10 11:47:41 [debug] 28458#28458: *757 access phase: 11
2022/03/10 11:47:41 [debug] 28458#28458: *757 post access phase: 12
2022/03/10 11:47:41 [debug] 28458#28458: *757 generic phase: 13
2022/03/10 11:47:41 [debug] 28458#28458: *757 try files handler
2022/03/10 11:47:41 [debug] 28458#28458: *757 http script var: "/public"
2022/03/10 11:47:41 [debug] 28458#28458: *757 trying to use file: "/public"
2022/03/10 11:47:41 [debug] 28458#28458: *757 http script var: "/public"
2022/03/10 11:47:41 [debug] 28458#28458: *757 trying to use dir: "/public"
2022/03/10 11:47:41 [debug] 28458#28458: *757 try file uri: "/public"
2022/03/10 11:47:41 [debug] 28458#28458: *757 generic phase: 14
2022/03/10 11:47:41 [debug] 28458#28458: *757 content phase: 15
2022/03/10 11:47:41 [debug] 28458#28458: *757 content phase: 16
2022/03/10 11:47:41 [debug] 28458#28458: *757 content phase: 17
2022/03/10 11:47:41 [debug] 28458#28458: *757 content phase: 18
2022/03/10 11:47:41 [debug] 28458#28458: *757 content phase: 19
2022/03/10 11:47:41 [debug] 28458#28458: *757 content phase: 20
2022/03/10 11:47:41 [debug] 28458#28458: *757 http finalize request: 405,
"/public?" a:1, c:1
2022/03/10 11:47:41 [debug] 28458#28458: *757 http special response: 405,
2022/03/10 11:47:41 [debug] 28458#28458: *757 http set discard body
2022/03/10 11:47:41 [debug] 28458#28458: *757 xslt filter header
2022/03/10 11:47:41 [debug] 28458#28458: *757 HTTP/1.1 405 Not Allowed
Server: nginx/1.16.1
Date: Thu, 10 Mar 2022 11:47:41 GMT
Content-Type: text/html
Content-Length: 157
Connection: keep-alive

2022/03/10 11:47:41 [debug] 28458#28458: *757 write new buf t:1 f:0
000055D2082EEF78, pos 000055D2082EEF78, size: 157 file: 0, size: 0
2022/03/10 11:47:41 [debug] 28458#28458: *757 http write filter: l:0 f:0
2022/03/10 11:47:41 [debug] 28458#28458: *757 http output filter "/public?"
2022/03/10 11:47:41 [debug] 28458#28458: *757 http copy filter: "/public?"
2022/03/10 11:47:41 [debug] 28458#28458: *757 image filter
2022/03/10 11:47:41 [debug] 28458#28458: *757 xslt filter body
2022/03/10 11:47:41 [debug] 28458#28458: *757 http postpone filter
"/public?" 000055D2082905E8
2022/03/10 11:47:41 [debug] 28458#28458: *757 write old buf t:1 f:0
000055D2082EEF78, pos 000055D2082EEF78, size: 157 file: 0, size: 0
2022/03/10 11:47:41 [debug] 28458#28458: *757 write new buf t:0 f:0
0000000000000000, pos 000055D2077F4600, size: 104 file: 0, size: 0
2022/03/10 11:47:41 [debug] 28458#28458: *757 write new buf t:0 f:0
0000000000000000, pos 000055D2077F4DE0, size: 53 file: 0, size: 0
2022/03/10 11:47:41 [debug] 28458#28458: *757 http write filter: l:1 f:0
2022/03/10 11:47:41 [debug] 28458#28458: *757 http write filter limit 0
2022/03/10 11:47:41 [debug] 28458#28458: *757 posix_memalign:
000055D2082F4720:512 @16
2022/03/10 11:47:41 [debug] 28458#28458: *757 malloc:
2022/03/10 11:47:41 [debug] 28458#28458: *757 SSL buf copy: 157
2022/03/10 11:47:41 [debug] 28458#28458: *757 SSL buf copy: 104
2022/03/10 11:47:41 [debug] 28458#28458: *757 SSL buf copy: 53
2022/03/10 11:47:41 [debug] 28458#28458: *757 SSL to write: 314
2022/03/10 11:47:41 [debug] 28458#28458: *757 SSL_write: 314
2022/03/10 11:47:41 [debug] 28458#28458: *757 http write filter
2022/03/10 11:47:41 [debug] 28458#28458: *757 http copy filter: 0
2022/03/10 11:47:41 [debug] 28458#28458: *757 http finalize request: 0,
"/public?" a:1, c:1
2022/03/10 11:47:41 [debug] 28458#28458: *757 set http keepalive handler
2022/03/10 11:47:41 [debug] 28458#28458: *757 http close request
2022/03/10 11:47:41 [debug] 28458#28458: *757 http log handler
2022/03/10 11:47:41 [debug] 28458#28458: *757 free: 000055D2082EE030,
unused: 10
2022/03/10 11:47:41 [debug] 28458#28458: *757 free: 000055D2082900D0,
unused: 2579
2022/03/10 11:47:41 [debug] 28458#28458: *757 free: 000055D2082CDE80
2022/03/10 11:47:41 [debug] 28458#28458: *757 hc free: 0000000000000000
2022/03/10 11:47:41 [debug] 28458#28458: *757 hc busy: 0000000000000000 0
2022/03/10 11:47:41 [debug] 28458#28458: *757 free: 000055D20834EC40
2022/03/10 11:47:41 [debug] 28458#28458: *757 reusable connection: 1
2022/03/10 11:47:41 [debug] 28458#28458: *757 event timer add: 14:

Posted at Nginx Forum: https://forum.nginx.org/read.php?2,293805,293821#msg-293821

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