Nginx as mail proxy: different domains with different certs

Maxim Dounin mdounin at
Sat Oct 1 12:49:15 UTC 2022


On Fri, Sep 30, 2022 at 03:29:16PM -0400, achekalin wrote:

> I set up nginx as mail proxy, and it works for one domain, but won't work
> when I try to serve more that one domain each with different SSL
> certificate. Are there any way I can archive that, since nginx as mail proxy
> it quite good and seems to be good solution.
> My fail is that I expected from mail servers the same I used to see in http
> server. Say, I tried to write this:
> mail {
>   ...
>   server {
>     listen              25;
>     protocol            smtp;
>     server_name;
>     ssl_certificate;
>     ssl_certificate_key;
>     starttls            on;
>     proxy               on;
>     xclient             off;
>   }
>   server {
>     listen              25;
>     protocol            smtp;
>     server_name;
>     ssl_certificate;
>     ssl_certificate_key;
>     starttls            on;
>     proxy               on;
>     xclient             off;
>   }
>   ...
> }
> I expected nginx will choose right 'server' block based on server_name
> (which was wrong assumption) and then will use ssl certificate set in that
> server block.
> I do understand I can set up LE certs with many hostnames included but say
> story is that domain list is too big to be included in single cert so I have
> to use more that one server block anyway.

Name-based (including SNI-based) virtual servers are not supported 
in the mail proxy module.  As such, the remaining options are:

- Use multiple names in a certificate
- Use IP-based (or port-based) virtual servers

You can combine both options as appropriate.

Maxim Dounin

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