Nginx to tcp/tls enabed syslog server

Maxim Dounin mdounin at
Fri Sep 30 13:25:26 UTC 2022


On Fri, Sep 30, 2022 at 05:58:43PM +0530, Vishwas Bm wrote:

> Current syslog directive sends logs to an udp syslog server.
> Is there a plan to enhance it to support sending logs to tcp and tls+tcp
> based syslog server ?

There are no such plans.  If you want to send logs to a remote 
tcp syslog server, consider configuring nginx to log into local 
syslog server, and forwarding relevant message by the local syslog 
server to a remote one (that is, something you likely already do 
for local syslog messages from other local services).

Maxim Dounin

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