situation with friendly urls

Francis Daly francis at
Mon Apr 10 08:27:00 UTC 2023

On Sun, Apr 09, 2023 at 04:08:30PM -0400, Rick Gutierrez wrote:
> El dom, 9 abr 2023 a las 7:27, Francis Daly (<francis at>) escribió:

Hi there,

> This is the site, for example when I want to load the site in English
> it doesn't do it, it doesn't load the images and css either.

When I try loading that site now, I see lots of requests to things that
end in ".css" that get a HTTP 404 response; I do not see any images.

The first one is for

Based on the config you provided, that should be handled by
the "front" nginx by doing a proxy_pass to the "back" nginx;
and the "back" nginx should provide the content of the file

The end result is a 404 File Not Found.

Does that file exist on the back-end nginx server? What do those nginx
logs say for this request? Did the request get to it at all, or did the
request stop at the front-end nginx server? What do *those* nginx logs
say for this request?

If you make a test request like

	curl -i

do you see the response that you expect? (Which should probably be HTTP
200 along with the content of the expected file.)

Slightly strangely: when I do that using curl, I get a HTTP 200 response
but with html not css; where my browser gets a HTTP 404 response. Maybe
they are talking to different servers, or maybe there is some config
that handles the request differently based on something other than the url.

> I hope that by looking at the site you have a better idea.

Not really, no, sorry.

I do not know how things are intended to look, so I cannot tell which
parts are not that way.


Francis Daly        francis at

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