Mixing limit_except breaks rewrite functionality: workaround request

Sten Gruener sten.gruener at gmail.com
Fri Jun 30 09:29:21 UTC 2023

Dear all,

I trying to mix authentication for POST requests with some
rewrite/proxy_pass logic. This mean that password is required only on
POST/PUT requests.

        location /x/ {
            limit_except GET OPTIONS {
                auth_basic "Write Access";
                auth_basic_user_file /etc/nginx/conf.d/htpasswd_write;
            rewrite ^ $request_uri;
            rewrite ^/x/(.*) $1 break;
            return 400;
            proxy_pass http://server:8081/$uri;

The snipped above is not working to to the bug/feature which is known:

Could someone please provide guidance of whether it is possible to
implement my goal using the proposed map directive from the ticket

BR and Thanks!
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