failure to limit access to a secure area with self-signed client SSL cert fingerprint match

PGNet Dev at
Wed Mar 22 12:48:50 UTC 2023

> Do you have the certificate that has that value as the Subject? What
> is that certificate's Issuer? And repeat until you get to the root
> certificate.
> And which of the ssl*certificate files named in your config holds those certificates?

i verified all my certs/chains. all good.

with my orig conf, it appears i can't manage to grab/verify ssl client FP's for other-than-primary domains

this fails to work, errors as reported above,

	server {

		ssl_verify_client optional;
		ssl_verify_depth 2;
		ssl_client_certificate    "/www/ssl/self-signed/myCA.CHAIN.crt.pem";

		ssl_trusted_certificate   "/www/ssl/le/deploy/";
		ssl_certificate           "/www/ssl/le/deploy/";
		ssl_certificate_key       "/www/ssl/le/deploy/";

		location /test {
			if ($ssl_client_verify != SUCCESS) { return 403; }
			if ($test_ssl_fp_reject) {return 403; }

OTOH simply splitting the secure subdir out into a separate server{}/subdomain, with separate, self-signed cert

	server {

	    ssl_verify_client off;
		ssl_trusted_certificate   "/www/ssl/le/deploy/";
		ssl_certificate           "/www/ssl/le/deploy/";
		ssl_certificate_key       "/www/ssl/le/deploy/";

	server {


	    ssl_verify_client on;
	    ssl_client_certificate  "/www/ssl/self-signed/myCA.CHAIN.crt.pem";
	    ssl_verify_depth 2;
	    ssl_certificate         "/www/ssl/self-signed/";
	    ssl_certificate_key     "/www/ssl/self-signed/";

		location / {
			if ($ssl_client_verify != SUCCESS) { return 403; }
			if ($test_ssl_fp_reject) {return 403; }

achieves the intended result -- just not in the same server{} block

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