trying to disable gzip

Reinis Rozitis r at
Wed Oct 18 16:48:10 UTC 2023

> I added gzip off to nginx.conf file and then check the configuration with nginx -t, and then reloaded with systemctl reload nginx.
> When I visit the site, I still have 
> Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate, br

First of all - how are you testing?
'Accept-Encoding' - is the header in http request sent by client/browser identifying what the browser supports to what the server actually responds with 'Content-Encoding'.

In any case if you see something like that also in 'Content-Encoding' response headers - while I don't see that in provided configure line (the module might be dynamically loaded?) nginx default gzip module doesn't support 'br' (brotli) compression so it's either (a third party) ngx_brotli module (you can search your config for 'brotli') or something else ..

.. for example if you are testing on php site  - php can have it's own output compression  (for example via )


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