NGINX multiple authentication methods (one or the other) AND an IP check seems impossible

J Carter jordanc.carter at
Mon May 27 06:48:40 UTC 2024



> ```
> The goal is to bypass SSO if a correct HTTP Basic Auth header is present while making sure connections are only from said IPs.
> When I disable the IP check it works flawlessly. How could I separate these requirements?
> So (SSO or Basic Auth) and Correct IP

Just use the geo module and "if" to reject unwanted IPs.

"If" is evaluated prior to access & post_access phases, where auth_basic
and co are evaluated.

geo $allowed_ip { 1;
    default            0;


location / {
    if ($allowed_ip = 0) {
        return 403;
    } of config without allow/deny.

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