Compilation of brotli for nginx fails since version 1.27.0 on Rocky Linux 8

Sergey A. Osokin osa at
Tue Sep 3 20:38:53 UTC 2024

Hi Nikolas,

On Tue, Sep 03, 2024 at 10:48:30PM +0300, Nikolaos Milas via nginx wrote:
> On 3/9/2024 9:57 μ.μ., Kevin Weis via nginx wrote:
> > ...
> > I was able to reproduce your exact error and find a solution that should
> > meet your needs, using the current Rocky Linux 8 container image from
> > with the image id of c79048e50f5f.
> > 
> > My solution in short: Install the package `brotli-devel`.
> > ...
> You are the man! Yes, it works this way!


> I am wondering (sorry if the question is naive): Since I am compiling from
> source, shouldn't the source code include all necessary modules? Why an OS
> package (brotli-devel) should be required?
> If the source code does not include some required modules, could / should we
> clone some additional code from brotli git to generate the modules instead
> of using brotli-devel package?

1. The brotli modules isn't a part of official nginx distribution, so
   you may want to address that question to the module's vendor.

2. It's definitely true that the way you've tried to build the brotli
   module supports only to two native things:
   - pcre
   - openssl

3. For other native nginx modules, a build of nginx requires additional
   frameworks (headers and libraries) to build a module, as an example
   please the following the next page:

Hope that helps.

Sergey A. Osokin

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