nginx with gitlab self host and cookie/session expired problems

Rejaine Da Silveira Monteiro rejaine at
Fri Jan 24 13:47:56 UTC 2025


I am using Nginx as a reverse proxy for my self-hosted GitLab
instance. When accessing GitLab through this proxy, I frequently
experience logouts with a "session expired" error, even during active

The GitLab URL is configured as However, when
logging out of GitLab, all other company services using *
are also disconnected, even for sites that do not share the same
certificate (GitLab uses a wildcard certificate) or those without a
certificate at all.

After some research, I discovered that GitLab appears to delete all
cookies for the domain during logout. There even seems to be a fix for
this issue:

Now, I’m wondering if the frequent logouts (session expiration) might
be related to this cookie issue, and if there are any suggestions for
addressing it via Nginx.


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divulgar as informações nela contidas ou tomar qualquer ação baseada nessas 
informações. Se você recebeu esta mensagem por engano, por favor avise 
imediatamente ao remetente, respondendo o e-mail e em seguida apague-o. 
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