unit, PSGI and Mojolicous

Александр Поволоцкий tarkhil at over.ru
Wed Jan 23 15:56:57 UTC 2019


I'm using Mojolicious::Lite, a Perl framework, which should support PSGI.

The smallest possible app, however, does not run

#!/usr/bin/env perl
use Mojolicious::Lite;
get '/' => sub {
     my $c = shift;


2019/01/23 09:41:23.029 [error] 26579#26579 [unit] #4: PSGI: Failed to 
run Perl Application:
Undefined subroutine &main::1 called.

plackup runs it Ok, so there is some incompatibility, which I do not 
know how to trace.

What kind of error in framework can it be and how to trace it?


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