[nginx] Fixed ngx_http_test_reading() to finalize request properly.

Maxim Dounin mdounin at mdounin.ru
Sat Sep 28 11:34:46 UTC 2013


On Sat, Sep 28, 2013 at 01:37:09AM +0930, SplitIce wrote:

> I know this patch was made for 1.5.x however I patched our 1.4.x build
> (internal modules are in the process of being upgraded currently). However
> I am still getting 000 in the logs. I am currently crawling the change logs
> for similar patches.
> Any chance you can remember any similar issue being resolved in the 1.5.x
> branch?

I don't think I remember similar issues.

On the other hand, the "000" code appears if a request is 
terminated without proper status code set, and this can easily 
happen - e.g. due to minor problems in your internal modules.  Or 
it may be even legitimate due to fatal problems with a connection.

Debug logs will likely help to trace the problem.

Maxim Dounin

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