excessive RAM consumption - memory leak

eliott eliott at cactuswax.net
Fri Feb 22 01:38:14 MSK 2008

On 2/21/08, Todd HG <lists at ruby-forum.com> wrote:
> eliott wrote:
>  >> I do have a script that restarts Nginx already, however, only rebooting
>  >>  the machine actually clears the RAM. This is why I was curious to know
>  >>  how and what Nginx stores in the RAM.
>  >
>  > Wait.. are you talking about overall system ram, or ram used by nginx
>  > processes?
>  > If you mean overall system ram, you are probably just noticing that
>  > the OS (esp linux) has cached many of the files in the filesystem
>  > (IOcache) to speed up read operations.
> How would I stop Linux from filling up RAM with IOcache? How would I
>  check to see if that is the case? I'm willing to consider all input.

iocache is a good thing!
Linux uses available ram.. no point having unused ram laying around
when you can speed up things with it. If an application needs ram, the
iocache is reduced to make room for it.

Not sure if that is what you are experiencing though.
Post the output of the ps command Igor listed, once you feel your
system has been up long enough to show us what you mean by 'using lots
of ram'.

also do a 'free -m'

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