Virtual Domains

Igor Sysoev is at
Thu Sep 4 08:28:23 MSD 2008

On Wed, Sep 03, 2008 at 10:49:47PM +0000, David wrote:

> I have 5 sites that will all be sharing the same IP, and 2 that will have their
> own IP addresses.
> I have a series of conf files that I include that contain server {} sections.
> Each conf looks like this:
> server {
>         listen;
>         server_name;
>         access_log      /var/log/nginx/domain.access.log main;
>         location / {
>                 index   index.php index.html;
>                 root    /home/domain/public_html/domain;
>         }
> }
> For the sites with unique IP addresses I have put their unique IP address in the
> listen statement.
> For the sites that are sharing an IP address I have put the same IP address in
> each domains conf file for the listen statement.
> Is this setup correctly ?


> Additionally, for a site that receives 700K PVs/month on a Dual 2.8Ghz Xeon 4Gb
> RAM with pretty heavy MySQL usage, how many workers should I be starting would
> you think ? I have something in the region of 500 users loading pages every 15
> minutes.

Usually one worker is enough.
If you use gzipping in nginx side, then try 2 workers (for each CPU).
If you have large files, those are not cached ib OS VM,
you probably need 10-20 workers.

Igor Sysoev

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