FastCGI application not receiving multi-part data

gerryw nginx-forum at
Wed Jul 22 03:50:51 MSD 2009

Hello All,

I have finally figured out what the problem was. For some reason when the local unix: socket was created there was an OS issue that was corrupting the data that nginx was writing to the socket. The problem was solved by specifyng an alternate location for the file. I am very happy to find that this was not an nginx issue, because I really wanted to use it.

I do have one other question though. I'm trying to find some docs that talk about multiple fcgi application instances and how nginx balances requests between them. Does anyone know where I could find some info on this?

BTW: My fcgi application is written in C++ using the fcgi library. I am also making use of the upload module.


Posted at Nginx Forum:,4091,4297#msg-4297

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