new php sapi (by litespeed)

dreamcat4 nginx-forum at
Fri Oct 2 21:10:46 MSD 2009

I've recently discovered that George Wang's LiteSpeed PHP SAPI is actually quite good and probably one of the best php sapis out there. Of course, im not talking about the LiteSpeed web server, which is a completely different matter entirely.

The litespeed interface to php has a simplified protocol, and is supposed to be, well, a lot faster. It may be even faster than PHP-FPM sapi (and should do a performance comparison to confirm this). You might believe that its a bad idea to support this kind of a proprietory thing. However after reviewing the licenses, there seems no problem. Its all freely available under BSD license, and is included with php5.3+.

Check it out at:

The tricky bit is we have yet to write an nginx module to understand / forward requests over the lsapi protocol.
It would make a great little project if anyone is interested.

Best regards,

dreamcat4 at

P.S. No flame wars about litespeed please. 
We don't wish to discuss that here.

Posted at Nginx Forum:,10755,10755#msg-10755

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