ngx_supervisord configuration

Sergey A. Osokin osa at
Mon Aug 9 23:15:59 MSD 2010

You should ask Grzegorz Nosek <grzegorz.nosek at> at first,
the author of ngx_supervisord.

On Mon, Aug 09, 2010 at 03:01:01PM -0400, JCR wrote:
> Hello,
> I am struggling with the configuration of ngx_supervisord. My goal is to
> use that module to spawn instance of a C++ fastcgi program on demand. 
> What puzzles me is that from the example
> (, I understand the changes I
> have to make to the nginx.conf file but what about the
> /etc/supervisord.conf file; should I have a section for [fcgi-program]?
> >From the example it looks like that I should have a [program section but
> it also appears that I need one for reach of the backend, which is
> strange because I am relying on ngx_supervisord to start those backens
> as needed. 
> Maybe a few words to help me clarify the whole thing or maybe a pointer
> to some configurations serving my goal
> Thanks

Sergey A. Osokin,
osa at
osa at FreeBSD.ORG

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