Please help - "fastcgi request record is too big" - no idea

Maxim Dounin mdounin at
Wed Jun 9 01:23:04 MSD 2010


On Tue, Jun 08, 2010 at 01:48:16PM -0700, Michael Shadle wrote:

> We're hitting this with a simple AJAX-based file upload. The file
> being uploaded is only 199862 bytes.


> fastcgi_param UNTOUCHED_BODY $request_body;

nginx assumes all fastcgi params will fit into single fastcgi 
record (i.e. no more than 64k), and usually this assumption is 

Just use normal way of passing request_body and you'll be fine.  
This one isn't scalable anyway as it requires client_body_buffer 
to be set big enough to contain full request body.

Maxim Dounin

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