try_files and redirect loops

inspire22 nginx-forum at
Mon Apr 18 19:37:06 MSD 2011

Hi all!

I need to make sure try_files does not send to a static file if $args
are included.

     #if ($args != "") {rewrite ^ @ app;} # tried here and below.
     location = / { rewrite ^ /home/index/$host; }
     location / {
       if ($args = "") { rewrite ^ @app;}
       try_files /downtime.html $uri/index.html $uri @app;# double
rewrite error

     location @app { 
       proxy_pass http://app_server;   

I also tried something like this, but "break" makes it not match the
location @app either.

Thanks for any help you can give me, my forehead is sore from pounding
it against the keyboard :)

     location / {
       # reload=auto refreshes cached content.  hmm, easy to have this
match twice which causes problems!
       if ($http_cache_control ~* "no-cache") { rewrite ^ $uri?recache;
       if ($args != "") {rewrite ^ @app;} 
       location = / { rewrite ^ /home/index/$host; }
       location ~* /$ { rewrite ^ $uri/index.html; }
       # after break won't match any location rules either :(
       if (!-f $uri) {rewrite ^ @app; break;}

     location @app { 
       proxy_pass http://app_server;

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