How to log virtual server name

Francis Daly francis at
Mon Feb 27 23:35:54 UTC 2012

On Mon, Feb 27, 2012 at 10:49:38PM +0000, Lucian D. Kafka wrote:

Hi there,

> The _problem_ is that Nginx does not behave as the documentation describes. Entering multiple server names in one server_name directive and using $http_host do not work.

The following "http" section of nginx.conf allows me to see content from
two different directories, depending on the Host: header in the request;
and includes the hostname used in the Host: header in the access_log file.

It behaves for me as the documentation describes.

What is the difference between this and the configuration file you
are using?

http {
    log_format mine '$host $remote_addr - "$request" $status';
    access_log logs/mine.log mine;
    server {
        server_name one two;
        listen       8000;
        root one;
    server {
        server_name three;
        listen       8000 default_server;
        root three;

If I use $http_host instead of $host, I see whatever the client sent --
including the :port part.

Testing using commands like

  curl -i http://localhost:8000/
  curl -i -H 'Host: one' http://localhost:8000/
  curl -i -H 'Host: two:66' http://localhost:8000/
  curl -i -H 'Host: three' http://localhost:8000/

shows me the content and the log lines that I expect, as above.

So: I'm unable to reproduce the problem you report, using a configuration
that seems to match your text. Can you provide a (minimal?) config file
that shows the problem for you?


Francis Daly        francis at

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