Adding $request_path Variable

adamchal nginx-forum at
Sun Jun 17 00:43:46 UTC 2012

It would be very nice if someone would add the following variable to


Right now, we have $request_uri which includes the query string of the
original request.  We also have the $uri which is the path portion of
the $request_uri, but it is the path AFTER the rewrites.  What would be
very useful is the $request_path, which would be the original path
portion of the $request_uri.

I use a very efficient TSV access log that can be imported and parsed
VERY quickly by our analytics software.  The problem with logging the
$uri is that for requests that generate a 500 error, we lose the
original request path since the error_page directed rewrites the $uri.



Posted at Nginx Forum:,227612,227612#msg-227612

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