Photo uploads and scalability

Ian Evans ianevans at
Sat Sep 1 08:42:20 UTC 2012

On 01/09/2012 3:06 AM, "Paweł Marzec -" wrote:
> upload_module removes uploaded files from body and replaces them with
> paths to temporary files where there are stored at end.
> So your backend don't have to parse body again to extract files from it.
> Parsing costs memory & cpu.
> If you upload photos, they will land on disk. Your backend can analyze
> them briefly, make first thumb to be shown back to user and ask/schedule
> other workers to make scalling/rotating and any image processing you
> want to be done later in real background.
> I'm happy user of upload_module ;-)
> in tandem with uploadprogress_module
> It is easy to setup, very.
> imho: it's worthwhile

Is there an article or tutorial that show examples of how to set the 
module up? I've been looking around and see that some people are using 
it with the a plugin called plupload. Any experience with that?

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