Why use haproxy now ?

Brian Akins brian at akins.org
Fri Mar 29 13:32:07 UTC 2013

We never really use nginx in straight proxy mode - we always have some
munging or something to do to the request or response along with cacheing,
etc. So, we'd wind up using nginx (or varnish) along with haproxy anyway
and that's just an unneeded layer for us, right now. Apache TrafficServer
looks interesting for similar use cases.
We get great performance from nginx for our use cases. We continually test
other technologies, but haven't found a reason to switch or augment it
right now.  in 6 months that may change, of course.
For just straight up http proxy, I'd agree that haproxy is probably a
better fit. Once you start needing to edit header or bodies in a
programmatic fashion, I'd look at something else.
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