SSI and proxy_pass

Valentin V. Bartenev vbart at
Thu Jul 10 18:33:52 UTC 2014

On Thursday 10 July 2014 12:18:24 T.crowder wrote:
> Hi all,
> I'm trying out nginx. I would like to use it to perform the following:
> 1. Retrieve a page from a server1 which includes some SSI commands
> 2. Process the SSI commands, eventually including content from server2
> 3. Return the resultant page
> I've got SSI working when using a local file, but not when using the page
> from a server1 using proxy_pass.
> Here's my config I'm using to try to achieve the above.
> events {
>     worker_connections  1024;
> }
> http {
>     server {
>         listen       80;
>         server_name  localhost;
>         location /hello-world.html {
>             ssi on;
>             proxy_pass;
>         }
>     }
> }
> For testing purposes, I'm using a simple SSI command, as shown in the output
> my browser actually ends up with, which is identical to the content on
> server1:
> <html>
> <!--# set var="test" value="Hello nginx!" -->
> <!--# echo var="test" -->
> </html>
> Do I need to use something other than proxy_pass, or is it just not
> possible? Thanks!

You need to look carefully what actually your "server1" returns to nginx.

It can be a response with an inappropriate content type (see the ssi_types 
directive).  Or, for example, it uses compression.

  wbr, Valentin V. Bartenev

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