Module : showing content of the folder

goldfluss nginx-forum at
Sun May 3 18:12:16 UTC 2015

I'm trying to develop a small module for nginx that verify the url. If it's
not valid, I return NGX_HTTP_FORBIDDEN in the handler and that works fine.
But if url is correct i want to send the content of the location to the
client. I tested to return different values, but it doesn't work (The module
is activated in the same folder as the content I want to show, so I can't
use ngx_http_internal_redirect)

What I want to know, is if I need to configure the header / output myself or
if i have to set a  variable in ngx_http_request_t to 0?

Thanks for your help,

Posted at Nginx Forum:,258587,258587#msg-258587

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