Too many redirects

Francis Daly francis at
Thu Sep 14 21:44:48 UTC 2017

On Thu, Sep 14, 2017 at 11:54:23PM +0800, tseveendorj wrote:

Hi there,

>         location / {
>                 index index.html;
>                 if ($geoip_country_code != "JP") { return 301
>; }
>         }

>         location = /en/ {

Change that to "location /en/ {" or "location ^~ /en/ {".

>                 index index.html;
>                 try_files $uri $uri/ =404;
>         }
> I'm trying to if request from other than JP request go to /en/ if
> not /index.html

You request /en/, which is processed in the second location. That does
an internal redirect to /en/index.html, which is processed in the first
location and returns a 301 redirect to /en/, so you have a loop.

Change "location =" to break the loop, so that the request to
/en/index.html is not handled in the first location.

Francis Daly        francis at

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