Event timer

Adelino Monteiro adelino at ainou.net
Mon Jan 16 19:25:52 UTC 2012


Could someone explain me why my nginx configuration has a delay when
sending file (from 19:07:39 to 19:09:59)
This same configuration used to work in my development environment but in
our staging server it has this behaviour.
The one thing that is different is that this last one is build on SAN
storage with RAID 5 but Linux sees it as an /dev/sdx partition.

2012/01/16 19:07:39 [debug] 4799#0: *3 http write filter 0000000001340500
2012/01/16 19:07:39 [debug] 4799#0: *3 http copy filter: -2
2012/01/16 19:07:39 [debug] 4799#0: *3 http writer output filter: -2,
2012/01/16 19:07:39 [debug] 4799#0: *3 event timer: 24, old: 1326740919650,
new: 1326740919946
2012/01/16 19:07:59 [debug] 4799#0: *3 post event 00000000013C6328
2012/01/16 19:07:59 [debug] 4799#0: *3 delete posted event 00000000013C6328
2012/01/16 19:07:59 [debug] 4799#0: *3 http run request:
2012/01/16 19:07:59 [debug] 4799#0: *3 http writer handler:
2012/01/16 19:07:59 [debug] 4799#0: *3 http output filter
2012/01/16 19:07:59 [debug] 4799#0: *3 http copy filter:
2012/01/16 19:07:59 [debug] 4799#0: *3 http postpone filter
"/local/NOAJR0600020_H.ogg?" 0000000000000000

Any help would be greatly appreciated.


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