[PATCH] implement a $location variable

António P. P. Almeida appa at perusio.net
Fri Jan 4 09:04:44 UTC 2013

On 4 Jan 2013 03h18 CET, david at gwynne.id.au wrote:

> need is a strong work, its just a lot nicer.
>> Have you each site installed in a subdir? Is that the case?
> no. it is a single copy of the drupal codebase which is shared by
> all the sites, they just have separate settings.php files. the way
> nginx tells drupal which settings to use is via SCRIPT_NAME based on
> $location.

Ok. If I understood correctly you have a typical multi-site setup. Why
are you doing the host resolution at the server level? Drupal does it
at the application level. It's capable of handling all hosts for which
the vhost is configured to support.


--- appa

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