[PATCH] implement a $location variable

David Gwynne david at gwynne.id.au
Fri Jan 4 10:35:15 UTC 2013

On 04/01/2013, at 7:04 PM, António P. P. Almeida <appa at perusio.net> wrote:

> On 4 Jan 2013 03h18 CET, david at gwynne.id.au wrote:
>> need is a strong work, its just a lot nicer.
>>> Have you each site installed in a subdir? Is that the case?
>> no. it is a single copy of the drupal codebase which is shared by
>> all the sites, they just have separate settings.php files. the way
>> nginx tells drupal which settings to use is via SCRIPT_NAME based on
>> $location.
> Ok. If I understood correctly you have a typical multi-site setup. Why
> are you doing the host resolution at the server level? Drupal does it
> at the application level. It's capable of handling all hosts for which
> the vhost is configured to support.
> See:
> http://api.drupal.org/api/drupal/includes%21bootstrap.inc/function/conf_path/7

that makes it look like i can pass $request_uri as SCRIPT_NAME. however, while drupal does get the right site settings.php file doing that, for some reason it cant figure out which page its on. it either generates a 404 or only shows the home page no matter what uri i give it in a web browser.

while i do take the point that there are other ways of making drupal do what i want with and unpatched nginx, that doesnt mean other things couldnt make good use of a $location variable.


> --- appa
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