Progressive flushing fastcgi cache early

Huan Nguyen huanh at
Wed Jul 3 02:03:00 UTC 2013

Hi all,

I'm try to improve our webpage start render time by flushing the cache buffer early. Our stack is Nginx, PHP-FPM. But nginx + fastcgi module doesn't allow me to flush as I wanted. It seems that nginx will keep all caches and flush all at once. I saw a few solutions whereas to set max tmp file size to 0 and smaller buffer size (1K for example) which I'm afraid it is not suitable for our case. It seems not reliable for our high scalable site.

This and this nginx post articulate the same problem.

I really appreciate if you can help explain a little bit on how fastcgi, nginx cache and php's cache work together. and if possible a hint on how to overcome this.

I'm looking forward to hearing from you

Thank you

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