[PATCH] ssl support for uwsgi upstream

Roberto De Ioris roberto at unbit.it
Mon Nov 18 13:31:13 UTC 2013

> Hello!
> On Sun, Nov 17, 2013 at 08:50:14AM +0100, Roberto De Ioris wrote:
>> Hi all, attached you will find a patch adding two new options to the
>> uwsgi
>> upstream module:
>> uwsgi_ssl <flag> (default off)
>> uwsgi_ssl_session_reuse <flag>
>> uwsgi over ssl has been officially added today to the uWSGI project
>> (1.9.20)
>> It has been a requirement of a single customer so i do not know how much
>> real uses it has, but being a very tiny (and non invasive) patch i think
>> it will be of interest for others.
> Just a quick note:
> The proxy_ssl_protocols and proxy_ssl_ciphers directives were
> intoduced in nginx 1.5.6.  So if you want the patch to be
> committed, it probably needs to be adapted be in line with proxy
> counterpart.
> --

Hi Maxim, you mean the patch can (eventually) only be applied to 1.5 and
not to 1.4 ? Or you mean that i should send a 1.5 version too for avoiding
inconsistency ?

Thanks a lot for your time

Roberto De Ioris

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